Download and edit JSON files with gulp

I often need to download some JSON data from a web service, extract the parts I need, and save it for use somewhere else. In this modern age of JavaScript everywhere, it's an obvious choice to do this with our favorite build system: gulp. But even though this is very easy to do, I couldn't find an explanation of how to put all the pieces together, so here goes.

Setting it up

We are going to use some of the most popular gulp packages, so here's an easy one line install:

npm install gulp gulp-json-editor gulp-streamify request vinyl-source-stream

And let's start our gulpfile.js by loading them up:

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    jeditor = require('gulp-json-editor'),
    request = require('request'),
    source = require('vinyl-source-stream'),
    streamify = require('gulp-streamify');

Downloading JSON from a web service

For this example I'm going to use GitHub's API to download a list of my own GitHub repositories. I already use this to create a list on my own website.

The entire code looks as follows:

gulp.task('github', function () {
    return request({
            url: '',
            headers: {
                'User-Agent': 'request'
        .pipe(streamify(jeditor(function (repositories) {
            return (repo) {
                return {
                    html_url: repo.html_url,
                    language: repo.language,
                    description: repo.description

This will produce a file called github.json containing an array of my GitHub repositories:

    "html_url": "",
    "name": "angular-steps",
    "language": "JavaScript",
    "description": "Split your UI into (wizard-like) steps in AngularJS."

So that was it! If you run gulp github, you should now have a github.json file in your folder, with a list of repositories. For a brief explanation of what's happening, read on.

What's happening

In the first line we are making a simple HTTPS request to get the GitHub repositories. We send the additional User-Agent header, as this is required by GitHub (and generally best practice).

With vinyl-source-stream we are converting the request stream to something gulp can use and naming it github.json:


In the penultimate .pipe line (hah), we are using streamify to wrap the stream into something json-editor can use:

.pipe(streamify(jeditor(function (repositories) {

An then we can work on the JSON we got from GitHub, and pull out only the parts we need:

return (repo) {
    return {
        url: repo.html_url,
        language: repo.language,
        description: repo.description

Finally we save the modified JSON data to the root of our folder:
