Breadcrumb trail with Harp and Jade

I have always liked the concept of static site generation for sites, which really doesn’t need constant updates through the day (like mine). So recently I decided to check out the vast amount of offerings, and fell upon Harp.

In this brief article I will show how to make a microdata breadcrumb trail using the Jade templating engine. For those new to Jade, like me, it will show a few of the key features in Jade.

A microdata breadcrumb trail is metadata markup of a series of links, which is read by Google and presented in the search results.

So let’s start coding. Our breadcrumbs will be implemented as a partial, so let’s make a file called /public/_shared/breadcrumbs.jade.

First we add a mixin, which is a piece of saved code or markup, that we can reuse. We will create a Jade template for one breadcrumb link, which has a URL and a title:

mixin breadcrumb(url, title)
  span(itemscope, itemtype='')
    a(href='', itemprop='url')
      span(itemprop='title')= title

Now we can use this mixin to loop through the current path, which is made available for us by Harp in a global variable current:

+breadcrumb('/', 'Home')
each item in current.path.slice(0, -1)
  |+breadcrumb(item, item)
|span.current= current.source

You will notice that we use .slice() on the path, and that is to remove the current page, as we want to print this in plain text. This will create a breadcrumb trail that looks like this:

Home › articles › Harp

Mind you we are just writing out the path, so the title will probably be in lowercase. We can fix that with a Jade function:

- function capitalize(string) {
  - return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
- }

Now we are done, so let’s look at the final result:

- function capitalize(string) {
  - return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
- }

mixin breadcrumb(url, title)
  span(itemscope, itemtype='')
    a(href='', itemprop='url')
      span(itemprop='title')= title

+breadcrumb('/', 'Home')
each item in current.path.slice(0, -1)
  |+breadcrumb(item, capitalize(item))
|span.current= capitalize(current.source)

Now our breadcrumbs should look like this:

Home › Articles › Harp

So now our partial is done, we can use it anywhere in our code. So let’s add it somewhere in our /public/_layout.jade file:

  != partial('../_shared/breadcrumbs')

Thanks for reading. This was my first peek into Harp, but I think the project looks promising, and I'm looking forward to see the platform mature.